American Hauntings Dinner & Spirits 


Mineral Springs Hotel | Alton, Illinois
7:00 PM
$46 Per Person
See Available Dates Below!

March 16, 2024 | 7:00 PM: SOLD OUT!

Join author Troy Taylor for another night of our “An Evening with…” series of events! This eerie evening will include a catered dinner, served in our private ballroom at the former hotel. After dinner, Troy Taylor, Troy will be presenting “An Evening with the Bonnie and Clyde,” the true story of the star-crossed couple and their life of fast cars, gunfights, robbery, and romance!

The daring film that chronicled the lives of the outlaw couple may have revolutionized Hollywood, but it painted a lurid and flashy picture of two people who didn’t really exist. The real story is one of two kids from a filthy Dallas slum who fell in love and then willingly traded their lives for a brief period of cash, excitement, and most important, lasting fame. It’s a story that has it all — Depression desperadoes, true romance, rebellion against authority, flying bullets, fast cars, and, in the end, a violent and dramatic death at the hands of a lawman who craved fame as badly as Bonnie and Clyde did.

Amidst all the bloodshed, danger, and daring, Bonnie and Clyde became legends, leaving behind a troubling legacy of murder, mayhem, and even ghosts. If you love the stories of the outlaws of 1930s America, this is a night you won’t want to miss!

About the night

Join us at the Mineral Springs in Alton, Illinois for another great event!

- Doors open at 6:00 PM / Dinner starts at 7:00 PM

- Events held at the Mineral Springs Hotel Located at 301 East Broadway in Alton, Illinois

- Limited number of guests for each event

- Private Event in the American Oddities Museum, which will open at 6:00 Pm for browsing by guests before dinner

- American Hauntings Bookstore located in the Museum so books will be available for purchase and can be autographed by Troy Taylor

More About Bonnie and Clyde

You’ve read the story of Jesse James —
Of How he lived and died;
If you’re still in need
Of something to read
Here’s the story of Bonnie and Clyde.
— Bonnie Parker

During the darkest days of the Great Depression, Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow’s murderous love story captivated a nation that was sick of the government and the banks and was looking for anti-heroes like Dillinger, Baby Face Nelson – and Bonnie and Clyde.

But in May 1934, Bonnie and Clyde were shot to pieces in a police ambush on a country road in Louisiana. Their deaths became as sensational as their lives, and thousands demanded to see the bodies of the notorious outlaws. The people came, they stared, and they went away. Soon after, Bonnie and Clyde were buried separately in Dallas, Texas.

And then, they were largely forgotten. They might have even stayed that way if a movie hadn’t been made about them in 1967, starring Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty, reviving their legend, and making them much more glamorous than they ever were in real life.

Bonnie and Clyde weren’t bank robbers. They were two-bit crooks who robbed travelers, shopkeepers, farmers, and grocery clerks. John Dillinger called Bonnie and Clyde “snot-nosed punks,” who gave outlaws a bad name. Over a two-year span, they murdered 12 people, most of them lawmen. One lawman who took part in the ambush had no regrets. As he told a reporter, “I hate to bust a cap on a woman, especially when she was sitting down. However, if it hadn’t been her, it would have been us.”

So, why do we still talk about Bonnie and Clyde today? Why are their books, movies, and more about the bloodthirsty duo who committed a string of inept robberies and spent most of their time tired and broke?

That’s easy — the became a legend because of their love story. No matter how twisted, broken, and sad it might have been, it’s the one thing about the pair that we’ll never forget.

Don’t miss this special night with author Troy Taylor and discover the reasons why the legends of Bonnie and Clyde are still with us today!