8:00 PM TO 12:00 AM | $48 PER PERSON



Join investigators from America Hauntings as they seek evidence of hauntings and spirits using the modern technique known as the Estes Method. If you’ve ever wanted to come face-to-face with authentic haunted relics – and take part in paranormal experiments with them – this is your chance! Join a limited number of guests and examine, touch, and take part in experiments with actual relics from haunted places, cursed objects, and objects believed to have attachments.

While guests can bring their own equipment to try and detect and measure the paranormal energy that surrounds these objects, the main focus for the night will be taking part in the Estes Method of EVP recording.

This method (coined by Karl Pfeiffer, Conor Randall, and Michelle Tate) uses a spirit box, a blindfold, and soundproof headphones. Using sensory deprivation, a participant uses headphones and a blindfold while the spirit box sweeps across a random radio feed. Acting as a human receiver, they say aloud any words or phrases they clearly hear.

At the same time, the other investigators ask questions that the blindfolded, headphone-wearing person cannot hear. The only thing they can hear is what is coming through the spirit box.

The sensory deprivation eliminates anything that could potentially influence the blindfolded investigators’ perceptions or interpretations of the spirit box responses. By removing distractions and focusing solely on what is coming through the spirit box, investigators hope to better discern any potential messages from the spirits.

While the Estes Method can be controversial technique because it uses a spirit box (which can be affected by external factors), its popularity and effectiveness in gathering potential evidence is steadily increasing – and results can be stunning. If the investigator who is sensory deprived speaks aloud things that match the questions asked by the other participants, this seems to offer chilling evidence of the paranormal.

And it’s regarded as one of the effective current methods of experiencing the paranormal, as well as messages from the spirit world.

Willing to give it a try? Here’s why you should:

Experience the Paranormal: This event will offer a chance for investigators to immerse themselves in an environment with no external influences and allow you to tune your senses for a profound and personal connection with the investigation.

Scientific Exploration: Definitive evidence of the paranormal is difficult – and critics say, impossible – to achieve, but the Estes Method, while not without its critics, is a controlled experiment within the paranormal investigation field.

Direct Communication: The Estes Method offers a direct line of communication with the spirit world. By removing almost all external distractions, investigators can increase their chance of receiving clear responses from entities that may be present at the location.

Objective Evidence: Paranormal investigations often face skepticism, and subjective interpretations can alter the validity of evidence that’s obtained. The Estes Method, with its reliance on audio communication, can obtain objective evidence that other methods cannot. Clear, unaltered responses captured during the experiments can provide tangible material that can be analyzed and confirmed.

So, join us within the after-hours confines of the American Oddities Museum and discover how the physical objects in the exhibits may just offer some very clear evidence of the hauntings that have been reported.