American Hauntings Dinner & Spirits


Mineral Springs Hotel | Alton, Illinois
$46 Per Person
See Next Available Dates Below:

March 23, 2024 | 7:00 PM: SOLD OUT!

Join author Troy Taylor for another night of our “An Evening with…” series of events! The eerie evening includes a buffet dinner and a chilling journey back in time to explore the history of witchcraft in America! From the Salem witch trials to how folk magic came to our country and became something uniquely American after arriving on our shores! Hex murders, Appalachian witchcraft, Voodoo, Hoodoo, and more -- ripped from the pages of Troy's book, ONE NIGHT IN SALEM! 

It’s going to be a special night of the strange, unusual, and the macabre – and you don’t want to miss it.



Join us at the Mineral Springs in Alton, Illinois for another great event!

The EVENING WITH THE AMERICAN WITCH even is based on Troy’s book, ONE NIGHT IN SALEM — it’s available to order online or at the event!

 All events held at the Mineral Springs Hotel
Located at 301 East Broadway in Alton, Illinois

- Doors open at 6:00 PM / Dinner starts at 7:00 PM

- Events held at the Mineral Springs Hotel Located at 301 East Broadway in Alton, Illinois

- Limited number of guests for each event

- Private Event in the American Oddities Museum, which will open at 6:00 Pm for browsing by guests before dinner

- American Hauntings Bookstore located in the Museum so books will be available for purchase and can be autographed by Troy Taylor

The American Witch
Presented by Troy Taylor

Witchcraft came to America with the first European settlers. They came here and brought with them their histories and traditions, hopes, dreams, terrors, and fear of their gods. They had fled from home at a time when thousands were being accused, tortured, hanged, and burned for being witches. They came to America for a fresh start – and brought that fear of witches with them.

The belief in witches – who carried out the Devil’s evil deeds – was as real to the colonists as the constant threat of the Devil himself. They believed that witches caused livestock to sicken and die, crops to fail, and babies to be born dead or deformed. Fear and dread became hysteria when evil came to Salem Village, fueling hostility, distrust, and religious fanaticism that claimed the lives of innocents on the gallows.

But Salem was not the end of America’s obsession with witchcraft.

Join Troy Taylor on a trip back in time as he reveals the hidden history of the American witch! Discover the strange tales of what happened in America in the wake of Salem, from the persecution and murders of accused witches to the conjure folk, Appalachian folk magic, Hexes and Powwowing, Voodoo and Hoodoo, killings, curses, witchcraft manias, and more!

This is NOT just a night about Salem! We’re not casting spells or offering how-to information. It’s a haunted and historic look at how witchcraft came to America and the ways that it unexpectedly continues to thrive today.

It’s going to be a unique, unusual, and unnerving night that you don’t want to miss!